- Since 1984 -

The greatest good you’re ever gonna get.

Who we are

Organizing large events is our passion. Since the early start we wanted to enrich you experience, making it meaningful and not just fun and exciting.

Why we are

When you visit our event hall for the first time, it transforms your life, and connects you to the people you always wanted to get to know and love.

Where you are

Are you seeking something different? An opportunity? We invite you to join the conversation our community has been having for the past 30 years.

How it starts

Our events are held every day, every hour and every minute. It takes place everywhere, and nowhere, both at the same time. Don’t worry, you will find us.

Design is an opportunity

We want to create something that does more than just look nice on a page. How are the creative stories of the future going to look like?


Vi hjelper deg fra idé til ferdig profesjonelt resultat, klar for utgivelse på ønsket format. Vi er veldig opptatt av at låten din skal bli best mulig, så vi inspirerer og gjør alt vi kan for å få det beste ut av deg.

Mixing / mastering

Om du har spilt inn noe hos oss, hjemme eller i et annet studio, påtar vi oss gjerne å mikse/mastre dette for deg for å få et profesjonelt resultat. Vi tar i mot oppdrag både fra inn- og utland.

Produksjon / låtskriving

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